Total solar eclipse of 08/07/2594

Total solar eclipse of 08/07/2594
Day of week: Thursday
Maximum duration of eclipse: 05m32s
Maximum width of eclipse path: 361 km
Saros cycle: 145
Coverage: 100%
Magnitude: 1.0676
Gamma: -0.7928

Wo kann man die Sonnenfinsternis vom 08/07/2594 sehen?

Die Sonnenfinsternis am 08/07/2594 kann man in 21 Ländern als partielle Sonnenfinsternis beobachten.
Der Finsternispfad verläuft durch 4 Länder. Nur in diesen Ländern ist sie als total Sonnenfinsternis zu sehen.

In den folgenden Ländern ist die Sonnenfinsternis total zu sehen

worldmap Chile
worldmap Brazil
worldmap Argentina
worldmap Uruguay

In den folgenden Ländern ist die Sonnenfinsternis partiell zu sehen

How will be the weather during the total solar eclipse on 08/07/2594?

Where is the best place to see the total solar eclipse of 08/07/2594?
The following maps show the average cloud coverage for the day of the total solar eclipse. With the help of these maps, it is possible to find the place along the eclipse path, which has the best chance of a cloudless sky. Nevertheless, you should consider local circumstances and inform about the weather of your chosen observation site.

The data is provided by NASAs satellites AQUA and TERRA. The cloud maps are averaged over a period of 19 years (2000 - 2019).

Detailed country maps

worldmap Chile
worldmap Brazil
worldmap Argentina
worldmap Uruguay

Cities inside the path of the eclipse

The following table shows all locations with a population of more than 5,000 inside the eclipse path. Cities which have more than 100,000 inhabitants are marked bold. A click at the locations opens a detailed map.

City Type Eclipse duration Local time of max. eclipse Distance to central line Ø Cloud coverage
CL  Valparaíso, Valparaíso total - 10:42:27 UTC-03:00 47 km 48%
CL  Cartagena, Valparaíso total - 10:43:07 UTC-03:00 10 km 51%
CL  San Antonio, Valparaíso total - 10:43:10 UTC-03:00 15 km 51%
CL  Viña del Mar, Valparaíso total - 10:42:32 UTC-03:00 48 km 48%
CL  Quilpué, Valparaíso total - 10:42:43 UTC-03:00 44 km 50%
CL  Villa Alemana, Valparaíso total - 10:42:49 UTC-03:00 43 km 50%
CL  Santa Cruz, O'Higgins total - 10:44:51 UTC-03:00 133 km 59%
CL  Rauco, Maule total - 10:45:17 UTC-03:00 165 km 67%
CL  Limache, Valparaíso total - 10:42:56 UTC-03:00 45 km 51%
CL  Quillota, Valparaíso total - 10:42:48 UTC-03:00 59 km 49%
CL  La Ligua, Valparaíso total - 10:42:17 UTC-03:00 107 km 51%
CL  Hacienda La Calera, Valparaíso total - 10:42:43 UTC-03:00 70 km 50%
CL  Melipilla, Santiago Metropolitan total - 10:43:51 UTC-03:00 30 km 54%
CL  Teno, Maule total - 10:45:26 UTC-03:00 161 km 68%
CL  San Vicente, O'Higgins total - 10:45:00 UTC-03:00 114 km 57%
CL  San Vicente de Tagua Tagua, O'Higgins total - 10:45:01 UTC-03:00 114 km 57%
CL  Chimbarongo, O'Higgins total - 10:45:25 UTC-03:00 145 km 68%
CL  El Monte, Santiago Metropolitan total - 10:44:11 UTC-03:00 32 km 53%
CL  Llaillay, Valparaíso total - 10:43:10 UTC-03:00 61 km 47%
CL  Talagante, Santiago Metropolitan total - 10:44:15 UTC-03:00 31 km 53%
CL  Peñaflor, Santiago Metropolitan total - 10:44:15 UTC-03:00 25 km 56%
CL  Lampa, Santiago Metropolitan total - 10:43:51 UTC-03:00 10 km 54%
CL  Rengo, O'Higgins total - 10:45:17 UTC-03:00 113 km 59%
CL  Rancagua, O'Higgins total - 10:45:09 UTC-03:00 89 km 58%
CL  Buin, Santiago Metropolitan total - 10:44:36 UTC-03:00 40 km 54%
CL  Paine, Santiago Metropolitan total - 10:44:42 UTC-03:00 49 km 55%
CL  Graneros, O'Higgins total - 10:45:03 UTC-03:00 78 km 58%
CL  San Felipe, Valparaíso total - 10:43:23 UTC-03:00 68 km 49%
CL  Lo Prado, Santiago Metropolitan total - 10:44:16 UTC-03:00 9 km 66%
CL  San Bernardo, Santiago Metropolitan total - 10:44:29 UTC-03:00 25 km 57%
CL  Chicureo Abajo, Santiago Metropolitan total - 10:44:10 UTC-03:00 8 km 60%
CL  Machalí, O'Higgins total - 10:45:18 UTC-03:00 91 km 57%
CL  Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan total - 10:44:23 UTC-03:00 11 km 66%
CL  La Pintana, Santiago Metropolitan total - 10:44:34 UTC-03:00 25 km 60%
CL  Los Andes, Valparaíso total - 10:43:41 UTC-03:00 57 km 51%
CL  Villa Presidente Frei, Ñuñoa, Santiago, Chile, Santiago Metropolitan total - 10:44:30 UTC-03:00 12 km 66%
CL  Puente Alto, Santiago Metropolitan total - 10:44:42 UTC-03:00 29 km 60%
AR  Mendoza, Mendoza Province total - 10:46:27 UTC-03:00 33 km 57%
AR  Pocito, San Juan Province total - 10:45:21 UTC-03:00 165 km 53%
AR  San Martín, Mendoza Province total - 10:47:15 UTC-03:00 9 km 47%
AR  San Rafael, Mendoza Province total - 10:49:23 UTC-03:00 163 km 55%
AR  Caucete, San Juan Province total - 10:45:47 UTC-03:00 166 km 52%
AR  San Luis, San Luis Province total - 10:50:59 UTC-03:00 29 km 46%
AR  Villa Mercedes, San Luis Province total - 10:52:56 UTC-03:00 75 km 58%
AR  Villa Dolores, Cordoba Province total - 10:51:18 UTC-03:00 117 km 41%
AR  Villa Carlos Paz, Cordoba Province total - 10:51:54 UTC-03:00 173 km 42%
AR  Alta Gracia, Cordoba Province total - 10:52:18 UTC-03:00 148 km 50%
AR  Río Cuarto, Cordoba Province total - 10:54:12 UTC-03:00 17 km 65%
AR  Río Tercero, Cordoba Province total - 10:53:28 UTC-03:00 90 km 61%
AR  Laboulaye, Cordoba Province total - 10:57:05 UTC-03:00 128 km 67%
AR  Villa María, Cordoba Province total - 10:55:20 UTC-03:00 64 km 64%
AR  Arroyito, Cordoba Province total - 10:54:31 UTC-03:00 174 km 65%
AR  Rufino, Santa Fe Province total - 10:58:29 UTC-03:00 143 km 67%
AR  Bell Ville, Cordoba Province total - 10:56:36 UTC-03:00 40 km 64%
AR  Marcos Juárez, Cordoba Province total - 10:57:45 UTC-03:00 34 km 64%
AR  San Francisco, Cordoba Province total - 10:56:20 UTC-03:00 175 km 63%
AR  Venado Tuerto, Santa Fe Province total - 10:59:14 UTC-03:00 83 km 66%
AR  Firmat, Santa Fe Province total - 10:59:48 UTC-03:00 49 km 64%
AR  Cañada de Gómez, Santa Fe Province total - 10:59:14 UTC-03:00 23 km 65%
AR  Gálvez, Santa Fe Province total - 10:58:40 UTC-03:00 112 km 65%
AR  Casilda, Santa Fe Province total - 10:59:55 UTC-03:00 1 km 66%
AR  Junín, Buenos Aires total - 11:02:07 UTC-03:00 171 km 67%
AR  Esperanza, Santa Fe Province total - 10:58:33 UTC-03:00 177 km 63%
AR  Capitán Bermúdez, Santa Fe Province total - 11:00:32 UTC-03:00 26 km 66%
AR  Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz, Santa Fe Province total - 10:59:13 UTC-03:00 158 km 61%
AR  Rosario, Santa Fe Province total - 11:00:49 UTC-03:00 13 km 62%
AR  Diamante, Entre Ríos Province total - 10:59:49 UTC-03:00 111 km 62%
AR  Pergamino, Buenos Aires total - 11:02:02 UTC-03:00 92 km 66%
AR  Paraná, Entre Ríos Province total - 10:59:40 UTC-03:00 148 km 59%
AR  Arroyo Seco, Santa Fe Province total - 11:01:19 UTC-03:00 10 km 69%
AR  Chacabuco, Buenos Aires total - 11:03:05 UTC-03:00 174 km 62%
AR  Villa Constitución, Santa Fe Province total - 11:01:44 UTC-03:00 16 km 66%
AR  Crespo, Entre Ríos Province total - 11:00:25 UTC-03:00 117 km 60%
AR  San Nicolás de los Arroyos, Buenos Aires total - 11:02:04 UTC-03:00 28 km 65%
AR  Victoria, Entre Ríos Province total - 11:01:23 UTC-03:00 52 km 64%
AR  Mercedes, Buenos Aires total - 11:05:05 UTC-03:00 167 km 68%
AR  Gualeguay, Entre Ríos Province total - 11:03:38 UTC-03:00 1 km 66%
AR  Luján, Buenos Aires total - 11:05:38 UTC-03:00 155 km 68%
AR  Zárate, Buenos Aires total - 11:05:15 UTC-03:00 102 km 63%
AR  Villaguay, Entre Ríos Province total - 11:02:46 UTC-03:00 145 km 62%
AR  Morón, Buenos Aires total - 11:06:40 UTC-03:00 159 km 64%
AR  San Isidro, Buenos Aires total - 11:06:39 UTC-03:00 138 km 64%
AR  Gualeguaychú, Entre Ríos Province total - 11:05:03 UTC-03:00 24 km 60%
UY  Nueva Palmira, Colonia total - 11:06:13 UTC-03:00 70 km 60%
AR  Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires F.D. total - 11:07:06 UTC-03:00 152 km 64%
UY  Fray Bentos, Río Negro total - 11:05:37 UTC-03:00 14 km 62%
UY  Carmelo, Colonia total - 11:06:37 UTC-03:00 83 km 58%
AR  Quilmes, Buenos Aires total - 11:07:27 UTC-03:00 164 km 65%
AR  Concepción del Uruguay, Entre Ríos Province total - 11:05:02 UTC-03:00 85 km 61%
UY  Dolores, Soriano total - 11:06:14 UTC-03:00 31 km 63%
UY  Paysandú, Paysandú total - 11:05:11 UTC-03:00 105 km 61%
UY  Mercedes, Soriano total - 11:06:18 UTC-03:00 2 km 64%
AR  La Plata, Buenos Aires total - 11:08:17 UTC-03:00 181 km 70%
UY  Colonia del Sacramento, Colonia total - 11:08:00 UTC-03:00 129 km 53%
UY  Young, Río Negro total - 11:06:31 UTC-03:00 68 km 62%
UY  Tarariras, Colonia total - 11:08:14 UTC-03:00 104 km 66%
UY  Juan L. Lacaze, Colonia total - 11:08:44 UTC-03:00 119 km 60%
UY  Rosario, Colonia total - 11:08:50 UTC-03:00 107 km 67%
UY  Nueva Helvecia, Colonia total - 11:09:03 UTC-03:00 103 km 66%
UY  Guichón, Paysandú total - 11:07:01 UTC-03:00 111 km 62%
UY  Trinidad, Flores total - 11:08:53 UTC-03:00 12 km 65%
UY  Trinidad, Flores total - 11:08:56 UTC-03:00 14 km 65%
UY  San José de Mayo, San José total - 11:10:08 UTC-03:00 100 km 69%
UY  Libertad, San José total - 11:10:39 UTC-03:00 131 km 68%
UY  Durazno, Durazno total - 11:09:30 UTC-03:00 8 km 66%
UY  Paso de los Toros, Tacuarembó total - 11:08:55 UTC-03:00 70 km 63%
UY  Santa Lucía, Canelones total - 11:10:55 UTC-03:00 107 km 68%
UY  Delta del Tigre, San José total - 11:11:18 UTC-03:00 141 km 63%
UY  Sarandí Grande, Florida total - 11:10:16 UTC-03:00 28 km 68%
UY  Canelones, Canelones total - 11:11:13 UTC-03:00 113 km 68%
UY  La Paz, Canelones total - 11:11:35 UTC-03:00 138 km 71%
UY  Las Piedras, Canelones total - 11:11:34 UTC-03:00 135 km 73%
UY  Progreso, Canelones total - 11:11:30 UTC-03:00 128 km 73%
UY  Florida, Florida total - 11:10:54 UTC-03:00 65 km 68%
UY  Montevideo, Montevideo total - 11:11:48 UTC-03:00 154 km 62%
UY  Sauce, Canelones total - 11:11:40 UTC-03:00 115 km 70%
UY  Paso de Carrasco, Canelones total - 11:12:02 UTC-03:00 147 km 60%
UY  Joaquín Suárez, Canelones total - 11:11:56 UTC-03:00 133 km 70%
UY  Colonia Nicolich, Canelones total - 11:12:03 UTC-03:00 141 km 67%
UY  Pando, Canelones total - 11:12:05 UTC-03:00 129 km 70%
UY  San Ramón, Canelones total - 11:11:38 UTC-03:00 83 km 68%
UY  Sarandí del Yi, Durazno total - 11:11:19 UTC-03:00 26 km 67%
UY  Piriápolis, Maldonado total - 11:13:38 UTC-03:00 133 km 61%
UY  Minas, Lavalleja total - 11:13:12 UTC-03:00 79 km 70%
UY  Pan de Azúcar, Maldonado total - 11:13:38 UTC-03:00 123 km 65%
UY  Maldonado, Maldonado total - 11:14:20 UTC-03:00 131 km 63%
UY  Punta del Este, Maldonado total - 11:14:25 UTC-03:00 136 km 63%
UY  San Carlos, Maldonado total - 11:14:18 UTC-03:00 119 km 65%
UY  José Pedro Varela, Lavalleja total - 11:13:44 UTC-03:00 34 km 67%
UY  Treinta y Tres, Treinta y Tres total - 11:13:50 UTC-03:00 61 km 69%
UY  Rocha, Rocha total - 11:15:12 UTC-03:00 74 km 64%
UY  Lascano, Rocha total - 11:14:39 UTC-03:00 17 km 69%
UY  Melo, Cerro Largo total - 11:13:25 UTC-03:00 159 km 65%
UY  Castillos, Rocha total - 11:15:55 UTC-03:00 33 km 62%
UY  Chui, Rocha total - 11:16:16 UTC-03:00 30 km 62%
BR  Chuí, Rio Grande do Sul total - 11:16:16 UTC-03:00 30 km 62%
UY  Río Branco, Cerro Largo total - 11:15:20 UTC-03:00 150 km 65%
BR  Jaguarão, Rio Grande do Sul total - 11:15:19 UTC-03:00 154 km 65%
BR  Santa Vitória do Palmar, Rio Grande do Sul total - 11:16:17 UTC-03:00 51 km 62%